Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I sent Barcelona Anniversary out to Lamplight Magazine which is a quarterly ezine. Once a year they compile a printed version which includes all of the stories that were published online. Hey some famous writers have collected a lot of rejections for the same story before finding a home for it. I only have two for this story.

A couple of mags will be accepting submissions in September. I have finished rewriting Group Lottery and will submit next week.

I feel as long as I have a few stories out there, I have a chance at publication. If they are only in my computer, there is no chance.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Wow. Ellery Queen is super fast to reject a story, got mine in 8 days. Maybe I spelled my name wrong.
I sent it right back out to Spry Literary Journal.

One more week till the results of SH library contest. I kind of like my odds there. How many people enter a library writing contest?

I continue to remove belongings I no longer use. Sold 2 fish tanks on Craigslist this week. Got a couple of bikes I need to get ready to sell and an inkjet printer. Also brought 4 books to PINAWOR today. I saw one guy walk out with the Elmore Leonard, good choice.

I should finish rewriting Group Lottery this week. Then I'm going to start something new.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I've read 3 books this month so far. One Way Bridge is Cathie Pelletier's new one after a six year hiatus. Actually she was researching and writing this book. She always makes me laugh. So, I'm following Stephen King's advice, "read a lot, write a lot."
Might get one more novel in this month, but for the next few days I will read only about writing.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Got a US Air credit card last year because they gave me
40,000 miles for applying. Going to a wedding in October,
so I figure use the miles, right? Well they don't have a non-
stop flight. What a rip.

Spent a couple of days touching up my Barcelona Anniversary
story and submitted to EQ magazine this morning.

It's time to rework Group Lottery for submission somewhere.
There are a lot of flashbacks and I want it to read straight through, so it's probably going to take 2 or 3 weeks. By that time I will have heard about the Florida fiction contest and I'll be ready to write something brand new.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I am getting tired of Auction Surprise. I've been working on it for two months and I think I'm going to put it aside for awhile and rewrite one of my finished stories or start a new piece. I need to spend much more time studying the structure of novel writing.

Short stories are like the minor leagues. You have to start there because you don't have the skills to write a novel. You don't have the skills to write a short story either, but it is something to do while learning the craft of novel writing.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

My Spirit of America article is out in the monthly PINAWOR newsletter. No feedback except for family. You can always count on them. I called the newsroom of the local paper and a man sounded interested but referred me to the op-editor as a guest column. Left him a message, no callback.
Glimmer Train neither rejected or accepted my story. On the last day of notification, my web submission status changed from "in process" to "complete." I don't believe I will enter such a contest again.
I've got another 3-4 weeks wait to see about the library contest.
Still working on Auction Surprise. Need to fill in details and work out some logistics of the robbery. Many comments from PINAWOR. Evidently, I am not describing what I see very well. Description may be my weak point.
Write, write, write.