Sunday, January 12, 2014

I am captain of the shuffleboard team. Tuesday is our regular day to play, but it never got out of the forties. We made up the match up on Saturday and won 26-6 which put us in sole 1st place.

Had to skip my writers group in order to shuffle. There are two more weeks before the novel writing class. I have done some of the homework and am now at the point where I must write a one or two page description of what my novel is about. I have a general idea of that. I wonder if it will fill a page or two. There is more homework after that, so the sooner I start the better.

Hope you readers are also writing!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

I read the beginning of Snowcrypt at my writers group yesterday. Got some good feedback. Two more weeks of reading to finish it.

Got the packet of homework for the novel class which starts Jan 25. Looks like it will keep me too busy to do much short story writing. I've been wanting to write book-length stories and this appears to be that opportunity.

Glimmer Train is accepting stories with $0 reading fees this month. I'll send in my Small Help.

Write. Then write some more.