Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Two mornings in a row I had two hour sessions. That's over 3k words. The trick is to line them up in an order that makes sense to the reader.
PINAWOR picnic coming up May 5th. I may play a song or two or three. Would like to bring the Harley. Maybe the weather will co-operate.
A week from tomorrow is May already. That's a free submission month at Glimmer Train. I'd like to upload a story. I just don't know which one.
Shutting down for the day. Movie time.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My free weekend promo at Smashwords netted me nowhere near the traffic I experienced at Amazon. However, I didn't have to give them an exclusive and the royalties are 62% higher. Also, Smashwords has distributed my work to major and minor ebook-tailers. I'm anxiously awaiting good results from that action.
I earned royalties on Backpackers. So, I now officially have two books with sales.
I've started writing first thing in the morning. Years ago, that worked well for me. It's a good thing to not have that nagging feeling throughout the day of still having to write. And if I feel like writing more, that's always an option.

Next, I need to concentrate on refining the audio version of Southern Cal. Once I'm satisfied with the end result, I will install PayPal on my website, so I can start selling it.

On a personal note, I just made a noon appointment for a haircut. I'll take the Harley for a late breakfast and on the barbershop. Listening to a library CD..Louie Louie...we gotta go now.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Backpackers is now an e-book available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/BACKPACKERS-ebook/dp/B00C845FU6

and also at Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/303660
who will distribute it through Apple, Barnes & Noble, Sony, and others.

I'm pretty excited about this story and will produce an audiobook version.

I would offer the e-book on my site, but the PayPal fees would negate any profits. So, I need to improve the quality of my audiobooks to Audible.com standards if I ever intend to sell them.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Got 87 downloads on my e-story during the 2 day free promo. At least someone besides my family is reading my stuff.

Wahoo! Taxes are done.

Published another e-story with Amazon, BACKPACKERS. Didn't give it to them exclusively, I'll be posting it on my site where I'll be able to collect all the royalties. (As soon as I figure out how to do that). Will also have to learn how to add PayPal to collect the money. Meanwhile it's available on Amazon for $.99 : http://www.amazon.com/BACKPACKERS-ebook/dp/B00C845FU6

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Once again, SOUTHERN CAL is free on Amazon Thursday and Friday April 4th & 5th.
Get it here: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B2E2268

BACKPACKERS  will soon be a digital book. But first I must do my income tax. The 15th is coming fast.