Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy with my digital story on Amazon. 2 free days netted 61 downloads. Got 3 sales for the rest of the week. Plus 3 five star reviews and 1 "like".
Thinking about adding 2 or 3 stories to it and making it a series or collection.

Left PINAWOR ( early yesterday, after receiving 8 or 10 critiques on a story I read, to attend a folk festival at Heritage Village celebrating 20 years. Watched a 14 year girl, Carmen Brandy, perform her own songs on guitar while she sang with a strong, husky, mature voice. Got her to autograph the CD she was selling. Her mother ran the sales while Dad was roadie and did the background vocals. Then I went to see the native American flute show. They played many different flutes, one had a rubber tip at the end and was so long it rested it on the floor. I got so into it that I visited the nearby flute maker, Craig Noss, and bought a wooden flute for $40. The weather was sunny and 70's. Delightful.
Then I took my soon to be 95 lady friend to bingo. I won the last game..$250.
Yes..that was a good day.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Library says Waging heavy peace : a hippie dream is waiting for me. It's Neil Young's memoirs.
Listening to his Live at Massey Hall as I write.

New latex mattress arriving by FedEx today. Looking forward to many deep sleep nights.

Off to the chiropractor, then breakfast at the diner.

My 1st shuffleboard meeting as the new captain at 1pm.
We are in first place!
And so I say to you...tomorrow.
You can call me Ray or you can call me Johnny, but you doesn't have to call me Sir because I am not a Knight.