Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

That's my new website. It's up and running, but much work is needed to make it professional.

I think I'm finally acclimated to Daylight Savings Time. Wish they'd do away with it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ordered a headset Saturday to record SOUTHERN CAL as an audiobook. It arrived from Amazon Monday morning. Gotta love those guys.
So, I'm messing with the recording, trying to get the sound right.
Now, I decided I need a place to market my works. Got a domain name and website from Network Solutions. I imagine I'll be tweaking the site for some time.


Big shuffleboard game Wednesday. It's called USA/CAN, Americans versus Canadians. This will be the 7th meeting since I moved here. We haven't won, but we tied last year. I've been the captain for four years now. Perhaps this will be the year we win. It's a social thing. Park residents who don't even shuffle come to watch and we feed everybody afterwards.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Read one scary story at the library StoryCircles Wednesday and the other at Pinawor Saturday. Afterwards, 14 of us went to the diner where we sang Happy Birthday to a very good author named Jack Romig. He turned 84 and is working on a new novel. Don't give up!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bought a book from a fellow author. The story is good, but I'm finding fault with the writing. Does this mean I'm improving?

Changed my ebook cover. The larger white lettering is easier to read. Also, added commas to my tag words making them searchable. Maybe I'll fool with the table of contents, making the story titles links to the story.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Finished both my scary stories. Will tell the titles to class and let them choose which I should read. I hope it's the one I want to read.
Posted an Ibanez Jet King on Craigslist. My old Peavey is next. Just trimming back. I'll still have two. Next goes the amps. I'll keep one or two.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

It could take a month, but all who downloaded my ebook will get an email from Amazon informing them of the major changes and offering them the opportunity to download the new version FREE.

My ebook SOUTHERN CAL is about adapting to California life after a move from the Illinois countryside near Chicago at the age of 13.  It contains 3 short stories from 1961 when  I attended Malaga Cove, a middle school on a cliff above Haggertys Beach.
1) WANNA DANCE has a surprise ending.
2) TIJUANA TOURIST shows determination.
3) SOUTHERN CAL ties it all together.

And the link is:

Jack Haller

Ahh. A day of rest. It's been a busy week. Monday & Tuesday was the year end shuffle tournament for the Seminole League. The tournament director awarded me, team captain, with the season's trophy. On a personal level I took 3rd place out of 60. Rushed home for a block party with live band. The gal sang to me and wore my Harley hat for one song.
Wednesday I had the shuffle president of our park present the trophy to me. Then I invited all the team members up on stage and passed the trophy down the line so everyone got a chance to hold it. After all, they're the ones who earned it. Following that we had our year-end shuffle meeting which I had to leave early for a chiropractic adjustment and massage.
Friday night is bingo and Sunday is corned beef dinner.
Monday is the annual in-park tournament which I hope to win this year. I missed my final shot last year to come in 2nd.
After that we play the USACAN. It's a park thing with Americans squaring off against the Canadians. After which we go inside the clubhouse and eat. Always eat. Lots of eating.
Gonna have to make time to figure my income tax soon.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Got to jump in the shower and head out for breakfast.
Sold an acoustic guitar that was just lying around. Part of my clutterbusting efforts inspired by Brooks Palmer's book Clutterbusting.
Working on a scary story, homework for Storycircles Safety Harbor. Two ideas. May write them both and choose one to read.
Need to buy ice cream at ALDIS for bingo tonight.
It's 64 degrees at 9:16. I'm leaning toward taking the Harley to breakfast.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tuesday we faced our arch rivals in the final shuffleboard match of the season. We had the home court advantage, but we needed to win 17 of the 32 games in order to bring home the trophy which they had taken from us last year.
We won 20 games to clinch the season! And my 1st year as captain.
Another team may join our league. That would certainly be a welcome addition.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Seminole league captains meeting at 1pm. Last one of the season.
Big game tomorrow. Play our arch rivals on our courts. Winner takes the whole season.